Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Rendezvous with Amit Shah

Not much of a rendezvous, rather a formal gathering where NITIE alumni Amit Shah shared his experience with us.
Slight departure from the regular lessons of Principles of Organization and Management.
It was a Saturday, and a much awaited one because of the hectic committee selection process in the week prior to the day. Dr Mandi had arranged a session with Amit Shah, an IM-12 passout from NITIE who had actually excelled in his field of interest, given that the world went into a financial turmoil when he passed out from college in the year 2007.
Rather reluctantly, I went to the college where the session was planned to be held. And to my surprise, it turned to be perhaps one of the most informative session that we've had so far in our short stay here in the college.
The session started with a brief introduction, where we were made aware of the accolades that Amit had won. I was in-fact mesmerized by them, because, like us, he had studied from what is called, the 'Mecca' of Operations, and had excelled in the field of Finance to become Executive Vice President and Country Head of the Corporate Branding, Marketing and Strategic Communication Department of Yes Bank Ltd (yes sir, all of that).
The ease with which Amit explained his learning from the varied experience he has garnered over the years, is simply commendable. Going with the flow is generally easy, but coming against the grain and then excelling at it, is another story altogether. Well, I think, people who are feisty enough to think beyond the regular norms are the ones who actually achieve great things in life.

Just for your reference, below is the link to Amit's LinkedIn Profile.

A few clicks from the session

Watch this space for future discussions on principles of organization and management.

Comments and suggestions are welcome.

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